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Jordan youth walks to cure juvenile arthritis – SW News Media

February 17th, 2017 5:44 am

Jordans Jack Friedges is putting one foot in front of the other to help find a cure for arthritis.

Friedges will be participating in the annual Walk to Cure Juvenile Arthritis event at the Mall of America on Saturday, March 4 at 9 a.m. The event features a three-mile and one-mile course.

Friedges has also been named the Young Adult Honoree for this years event.

The cause is personal for Friedges, who was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) in 2014. Friedges was able to keep his arthritis under control with the help of medication, and he continues to be a three-sport athlete at Jordan High School in football, basketball and baseball.

I joined the Arthritis Foundations Walk to Cure Arthritis to help the more than 50 million Americans and 300,000 children with arthritis live better today and to keep the Arthritis Foundations promise of finding a cure for tomorrow, Friedges wrote on his donation page.

Your support provides people with arthritis life-changing resources and information to manage their disease and improves access to the critical medications they need to live full, healthy lives. The impact of your donation doesnt stop today, it also helps fund cutting-edge research to identify better treatments and a cure, Friedges added.

Friedges has set a goal of raising $5,000 for the event. As of Monday, he had raised $1,515 through his fundraising site, which can be found at http://bit.ly/2lIhosf

The Jordan Basketball Association will be hosting a fundraiser to support Friedges during the Hubmen and Jaguars basketball games on Tuesday, Feb. 21.

The girls game against Waseca will start at 6 p.m., and the boys will play Holy Family at 7:45 p.m.

Find a Cure for Juvenile Arthritis Jacks Journey bracelets will be on sale for $2, and all proceeds from the half court toss at both games will benefit the Juvenile Arthritis Foundation on Friedges behalf.

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Jordan youth walks to cure juvenile arthritis - SW News Media

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